creagcridhe 12/21/2024

I am creagcridhe and this is lecture two on the creagcridhe hypothesis on multi-dimensional space, which is, the universe is composed of only orthogonal dimensions and a dimension is a line of points from negative infinity to infinity. In lecture one instead of using the word point, I used value and that is ambiguous.

A point is a sphere with zero radius, and so, zero diameter, surface area and volume.

A line is set of points, zero distance apart, each with a balanced neighbor. Each point has another point attached with a duplicate point on the opposite side to balance it, zero distance apart.

A dimension is a line of points from negative infinity to infinity.

A point, which is zero diameter, surface area and volume, is a good mathematical representation of null space. Null space is the simplest possible state of existence. nothing exists, no energy necessary. creation happened, existence, because we exist. So first we have a null space, non-existence, which can be represented as a point; then creation happens and all the dimensions are created in the same instant, at the universal central point, which can be thought of as the previous null space. Out of the single point, comes possibly infinitely orthogonal lines, flowering out of the point instantaneously like a Hopf hypersphere with all orthogonal angles. And this creates our universe, both ADS and CFT, all in an instant since time is no different than any other dimension. And in CFT space, the dimensions gain the ability to affect each other.

Spacetime Warping is what we call this phenomenon when dimensions affect each other. I am going to define spacetime warping more accurately, as when a point on a dimensional line gains a value on another dimensional line (or multiple dimensional lines, possibly infinite).

Back to the properties of a line of points, if you take two arbitrary points there will be an infinite number of points between them, and the length between any two arbitrary points is zero, since each point has zero diameter, and is zero distance from the neighboring points. This causes a paradox, since between any two arbitrary points there are an infinite number of points, and you take three points, A B and C, and B is midway between A and C.



then the number of points between A and B is equal to the number of points between A and C. I propose that is this paradox that causes dimensional lines to take on values of other dimensional lines and so CFT space is created. CFT occurs because in order to satisfy the paradox some values on dimensional lines must gain values on other dimensional lines.

Now, why cant this paradox just exist?

One additional property of a line of points, and a dimension, scale is irrelevant. if you take two arbitrary points on a dimensional line and halve the distance between them, you still have the same number of points, infinity. Halve that again, and again you have the same number of points. Scale is irrelevant which is odd, since to human experience scale is very relevant. but this is an illusion of human experience, just like the apple metaphor in lecture one.

This is why you cannot have one specific value on a dimensional line. I explained in lecture one, this is a property of a dimension, but thought I should explain this more here. You cannot get one value on a dimensional line, since if you half a distance to infinity, you will still have the same number of points, it is always infinity. Scale is irrelevant and you cannot get one value of a dimensional line. you can think of a point as a float value with infinite precision. Which is why pi looks so fetching as a target for another dimension, since we have never found a precise value for it, and we are very good and doing just that in mathematics.

We can define an object in three dimensions and four dimensions. The fourth dimension being time, and experimentally we have always found time to be no different that X Y or Z. Experientially they are different but not experimentally. I explained using the Jack Classy metaphor in lecture one how Z can fill in for time. Lets define a torus, in three dimensions we could craft a donut shape out of clay or wood or whatever and that is a three dimensional representation of a torus. In four dimensions, we can define a torus with a sphere and a string. You take the string and attach it to the sphere, then stretch the string tight affix the other end and rotate the sphere around the other end of the string on a plane and it will trace out a torus. If you take a camera and a picture every millimeter and combine the pictures you will get a torus.

What does pi warping look like? I said in lecture one it has probably been witnessed by super-colliders already but I did not elaborate. The value of pi determines what happens at the edge of the universe. Potentially a particle passing through the edge of the universe could reflect back, it could pass through, it could stop, or possibly refract. When pi is fluctuating, all of these behaviors could occur simultaneously.

Which brings up the question, where is the edge of the universe. we think of a three dimensional space expanding out from a point like a balloon, with the edge fourteen billion or so light years away from the universal central point. This is not so, because the surface area of the edge of the universe is zero. The edge of the universe is the outside of the point that was null space. the big bang is a point expanding out, but since it has zero surface area, it must have zero surface area as it expands, so CFT space which is the inside of the point explodes out like popcorn coming out of a kernel. The inside of the original point is what becomes CFT space and resides in zero volume, this means that every point in CFT space is not just connected to the edge of the universe, but is the actual edge of the universe. Once expansion occurs, every point in CFT space is still the edge of the universe.

everything is at the edge of the universe

Consider spin, color and strange; in lecture one I discuss these three could be dimensions that are connected together in the same way that XYZ is, that is, creating a three (or more) dimensional space. I explained this using the metaphor about opie and andy at the fishing pond. Now, consider what these dimensions warping would look like in a collision. The spacetime oscillations in spin, color and strange affect fundamental particles, when these warp it would appear as if fundamental particles were being created and disappearing. Also, the oscillations could appear as different fundamental particles from different viewpoints. In a collision, particles are created and destroyed just normal thing that happens in collisions, however these interactions are predictable, what I mean, though, unusual and unpredicted particles will appear briefly, then seemingly disappear when the oscialltions settle down. It is possible that these fluctuations could happen before the collision as well. That is, on both sides of the time section in which the collision occurs.

I have spoken about reverse direction time in lecture one. There can also be multiple time dimensions. These dimensions could interact with XYZ space in the same way as our time, and create universes just like ours, duplicate universes, not parallel because all dimensions are orthogonal. However, since dimensions can take on values in other dimensions in CFT space, then these time dimensions can take on a value in our time dimension. So man-in-the-castle kind of cross overs could happen. I am not saying it does happen, but it could happen. there is nothing in multi-dimensional spacetime that rules this out.

I discussed in lecture one the concept of second stretching, or time in two parts. Think of a line with tick marks equidistant along it, the time dimension. Since each value on that line can take on a value in another dimension lets add a dimension, so now there are two lines to the graph, vertical and horizontal. we can trace a line up and down between the tick marks on the time dimension line, above the line a second is longer, below the line a second is shorter. I say second, but this is some arbitrary length of time, I just use second because we are familiar with it as a measurement of time. CFT space experiences the second-length that is stretched, while in ADS the second-length stays static and the ticks equidistant.

Consider CFT space near the universal central point. At the big bang there was one prime spacetime oscillation, as CFT expanded (popcorned), which split as it collided with the edge of the universe, at every point in CFT. Splitting meaning events where pi warping and spin, strange, color warping create events that create locally decreasing entropy. Entropy is alway increasing in all CFT space. As pi is warping spacetime oscillations are disrupted, creating eddies and complex wave interactions. Spin, color and strange warping are causing particles to be created, changed and disappearing, further increasing the complexity of the spacetime oscillations. This prime spacetime oscillation would be more stretched than any other spacetime oscillations, and should be uniform across the CFT universe. This is not the same as the Universal Background Gravity. They might be equivalent, however should not be assumed to be. The Universal Background Gravity might be non-uniform, where the prime spacetime oscillation should be uniform across the CFT space.

Recall the two axis graph of time, close to the big bang (universal central point) the dimensions are closer together, interacting with each other easier. As the dimensions continue out to infinity the ability of each point in the dimensional line to gain a value on another line retards, that is, increasing entropy. Stated otherwise the CFT universe spacetime oscillations are calming as the dimensional line grows.

If the second-length has always stretched at a static rate, (or if we could determine the rate otherwise) we could use the second-length to determine the age of the universe. the age of the universe, is actually a length on the time dimension line. we exist along the time line, not through it.

since all dimensions are orthogonal, there is a universal central point (the big bang), this point can be thought of as the null space that expanded during creation into a flowering of potentially infinite orthogonal dimensional lines, resembling a Hopf hypersphere. If time travel is possible than this universal central point would have to be the point navigated from.